· The President’s FY2018 budget proposes draconian funding cuts for science research, for example:
o -29% for Environmental Protection Agency and -16% for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – eliminates most climate change research and data collection
o -22% for National Institutes of Health – cuts deeply into biomedical research
o -17% for Department of Energy Office of Science – cuts deeply into R&D on renewable energy sources and energy storage, surrenders U.S. leadership in basic research
o -13% for National Science Foundation – surrenders U.S. leadership in basic research
This Week’s Primary Science Issue: The President’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget chokes off nearly all climate research in the U.S. and seriously endangers U.S. leadership in other areas of research. For example, support for Regional Climate Centers that collect and archive climate data and model projections is cut by 82%, and many climate research programs are eliminated. EPA Director Scott Pruitt says that climate science is “unsettled.” Why, then, does he support cutting off funding for research to settle the science?
Template for Telephoning Your Legislator (you will normally speak with a staffer who will take your information without challenging you):
Hi, My name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP CODE],
I am calling to express strong opposition to the draconian budget cuts for climate science research across several federal agencies in the President’s FY2018 budget. I don’t understand how it makes sense to claim that the science is presently unsettled, but then to choke off any research that might settle the science on an issue of such fundamental importance to the future of our planet. The Administration’s actions suggest wishful thinking that the problem will just disappear, but the Earth and human activities may not care what the Administration wishes. I expect [REP NAME] to support an FY2018 budget that provides robust funding for climate change research across several federal agencies and for scientific research more generally. The strong return on investment in scientific research has been an economic driver for decades.
[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]
Contact information for Indiana’s Federal Legislators and Governor
Senator Joe Donnelly: Senator Todd Young:
720 Hart Senate Office Building B33 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510
Office phone: (202)224-4814 Office phone: (202)224-5623
website: www.donnelly.senate.gov website: www.young.senate.gov
Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (9th district): Rep. Larry Bucshon (8th district):
1641 Longworth House Office Building 1005 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20515
Office phone: (202)225-5315 Office phone: (202)225-4636
website: hollingsworth.house.gov website: bucshon.house.gov
Rep. Todd Rokita (4th district): Governor Eric Holcomb:
2439 Rayburn House Office Building Office of the Governor
Washington, D.C. 20515 Statehouse
Office phone: (202)225-5037 Indianapolis, IN 46204-2797
website: rokita.house.gov Office phone: (317)232-4567 website: http://www.in.gov/gov/2752.htm