We promote the scientific enterprise, in Indiana and across the globe.
Here’s the latest news from the front lines of science advocacy in Indiana.
Please join us for the CSIU/ASIU “Stand Up for Science” Town Hall Meeting
Wednesday, February 19, 4:00 PM State Room East, Indiana Memorial Union
See our invitation letter for details.
See CSIU’s Letter to on the nomination of RFK Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services
Concerned Scientists @ IU, together with its student affiliate Advocates for Science @ IU, wrote to Senators Todd Young and Jim Banks in strong opposition to the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services. The letter notes that “We agree with the nation’s major scientific and public health organizations such as the American Public Health Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, the Union of Concerned Scientists and 77 American Nobel Prize winners that the confirmation of RFK would represent a clear and present danger to the health of Americans.” Read the full letter here.
See CSIU’s Open Letter to Legislators on proposed changes to higher education in Indiana
“Without an unfettered access to state-of-the-art science and engineering, our faculty and students—and ultimately the communities you represent—will be the long-term losers if this bill passes. Our continued ability to recruit and retain the best and the brightest future leaders from America’s top academic institutions depends on the integrity of our universities as well as how our institutions are perceived from outside the borders of our state. This bill will ultimately diminish the stature of our educational system, the quality of our workforce, the safety of patients or consumers, and the ability of our citizens to make informed, evidence-based decisions as parents or voters.”
See CSIU’s Open Letter to Legislators on proposed restrictions to abortion access
“On the basis of this medical and public health evidence, we conclude that abortion is, and should remain, a fundamental part of women’s health care in Indiana” and ask the legislature to “reject Senate Bill 1 and any related legislation that would reject or further restrict Hoosier women’s access to this essential part of health care.”
See the CSIU Letter to IU President Pamela Whitten on Climate Action:
A call for for “visionary university action to address climate change”
See our postings of news, analysis, and action items in our CSIU Weekly News Bulletin.
Science is the bedrock of our advancement as a society. We aim to protect the scientific process, scientists, and facts.
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All photography provided by Indiana University
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