CSIU Statement in Solidarity with Protests

Dear CSIU Members.

On behalf of the CSIU Steering Committee, we are writing to share with you a message from the Union of Concerned Scientists—our ‘adopted parent’ organization—written in response to the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the protests that are sweeping the nation.  We write in solidarity with those who are fighting for a safer, more just and humane society—and to declare our shared commitment to battle against racism in all its forms.

The UCS statement also acknowledges that science, while potentially an powerful source of good in our world, has been—and sometimes continues to be—complicit in the inhumane and unjust treatment of our citizens, often in the name of advancing knowledge.  We commit ourselves—as individuals and as an organization—to work together to ensure that the opportunities and benefits of science are shared equitably for the betterment of all in society, and that dignity, equity, diversity, and opportunity become fundamental cornerstones of our work as scientists and as advocates for science.

We can no longer afford to live and work in an academic bubble separated from the challenges of the society in which we are embedded.  We affirm our commitment to strengthen the role of science in understanding and mitigating the inequities left by a history of oppression and our intent to fight against racial bias and systemic racism wherever it appears in our personal and professional lives.  We invite all who are willing to join us in this struggle. 

In the email below and in our Weekly News Bulletin to follow, we share some excellent resources on issues of race, bias, and science.  An excellent starting point is this compilation from the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/05/climate/racism-climate-change-reading-list.html.

In the weeks to follow, we will be exploring how CSIU—as individuals and as an organization—can work together to ensure that the opportunities and benefits of science are shared equitably for the betterment of all in society, and how we can improve our work as scientists and as advocates for science to address the challenges of racism and bias in our community.   We solicit your ideas and contributions to help us make this aspirational goal a reality.  Share your ideas with us at csatiub@gmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you and working with you on this grand challenge. 


CSIU Steering Committee


Letter from Union of Concerned Scientists

Dear Member,

The protests that are sweeping the country are a direct response to the fact that racism is an inescapable reality in the United States. That these protests are happening right now, in the midst of a pandemic that places the protesters at risk from congregating, speaks to how deep the injustice is, and how urgent the need for change. The legacy of white supremacy continues to harm those of us who are Black, Indigenous, Latinx, or members of other racially marginalized groups. 

And despite having a veneer of objectivity and impartiality, science is not immune

Science is a powerful tool for solving problems and making people’s lives better. But it has been used to do harm and obstruct progress as well.

Most people have heard of the infamous example of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. In this 40-year study, Black men with syphilis were left untreated, without their informed consent and despite the availability of effective therapies, so that researchers could study the progress of the disease. This is but one example of howscience has been used to justify white, European conquest for centuries and continues to this day.

Today’s protests aren’t just about the nine minutes that ex-Officer Chauvin had his knee on George Floyd’s neck ultimately leading to his death. They are about the thousands of other unarmed Black men, women, and children who have been needlessly killed by police or others with impunity. They're about the 40 years of treating hundreds of Black men as guinea pigs in the name of science. And they're about the 400-year old legacy of slavery and inequality in this country, which manifests itself in institutional and systemic racism in all aspects of modern life from access to housing, health care, food, economic opportunity, and beyond. 

As an organization that works for a healthy planet and a safer world, we must address the reality that health and safety are enjoyed unequally across racial lines in our country. Ending these inequities must be an integral part of our mission and our daily work. And a commitment to facing facts means we must be willing to talk about racism explicitly, listen to those who've been hurt by it, take counsel from and show up as allies for those who are leading the fight against it, and confront it both in the world we seek to change and in our own institution, assumptions, and actions.

We stand in solidarity with the protesters and urge our supporters to do the same. We also recognize the additional risks protesters are incurring in the midst of a pandemic, and we strongly encourage all to protect their own health and the health of their loved ones at home by maintaining a safe distance from one another and wearing masks and gloves at all times, so that this important act of protest does not result in more sickness and death from the virus. 

If you haven’t already, seek out and support local organizers and organizations in your community who are doing critical work on racial equity, environmental justice, voting access, and more. Not sure where to start? Here are some groups that can be a launching point:

As an organization, we are also continuously working to advance our own internal racial equity as an integral part of working  to achieve our mission. We acknowledge that our progress is slow and that we have more work to do, even within our own organization. Below are some resources that some of our staff have found useful. 

You can also explore how bias plays out in your own life, as it does with all of us, bytaking this test on implicit bias designed by a cross-disciplinary group of researchers.

If you identify as white and haven’t yet explored issues of privilege, we suggest the podcast series Seeing White from the Center on Documentary Studies at Duke University, or watch this video series on systemic racism from our colleagues at Race Forward.

Katy Love
Online Engagement Manager
Union of Concerned Scientists

Science for a healthy planet and safer world

UCS is a 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax deductible. You can be confident your donations to UCS are spent wisely.

Union of Concerned Scientists2 Brattle Square, Cambridge, MA 02138-3780
© Union of Concerned Scientists. All rights reserved. www.ucsusa.org

Candidates’ Forum on Science and Public Policy

Concerned Scientists @ IU - Advocates for Science @ IU

2020 Congressional Candidates – 9th Congressional District, Indiana

May 5, 2020

Download a PDF version here.

(1) What do you see as the top priorities for investment of federal funding for scientific research?

D. Liam Dorris (D): An interesting facet of science is we don’t know what lies ahead, and it advances best when we support the scientific community without profit-driven research.

We need to fund forward-looking research and development without a profit motive. These funds will serve as grants to public universities and other independent scientific organizations. Many leaps in technology began as ideas from a scientist or engineer in a lab. For example, thorough understanding of Einstein’s general relativity is pivotal to the GPS technology many of us use. Lasers were a mere curiosity, but now try to find a home in America without at least one. Scientific theory leads to development of the technologies that dramatically improve our lives and drive our society.

The profit motive, while it does lead to furthering some innovations, also encourages industry to suppress unfavorable data. When funding is transferred to the private sector, profit motive is automatically added to the equation at the expense of cutting-edge technologies.

Furthermore, we must protect the scientists, institutions, data, and funding from the political sphere and haphazard scrutiny from those who would seek to suppress the results of research that might make profitable technology obsolete. For example, we have seen the dangers and consequences of research suppression when it comes to public health and the effects of climate change.

Brandon Hood (D): Due to the existential crisis that is climate change, our top priority for scientific research must be finding solutions that remove fossil fuels from the generation of renewable energy. The construction of solar panels, wind turbines and electric cars will continue to have little to no net-carbon benefit as long as their production consumes huge amounts of fossil fuels and other mined resources.

James O’Gabhann III (D): When it comes to research, the top priorities must be: infection diseases, all issues relating to climate change and other areas as determined by the public and scientists. These decisions need to be made in the commons among an informed citizenry.

Mark Powell (D): 1. The current “Donkey in the Room” is the SARS Coronavirus 2 and so Medical research is of the highest national and international priority. I would add that funding in this area which was lackluster at best will be amplified by this Congress and the new Congress that is seated in January.
2. The Comments of Chairwoman of the House Subcommittee on Research and Technology points to an area that will be necessary for Congress and the Administration to support fully “a federal-state-industry partnership that works with local manufacturing communities to strengthen U.S. manufacturing.” This area of technology research along with AI research funding is vital for job retention and development. 3. When I ran in the Congressional primary candidate in 1986, as a 26 young man, I called for America to make a determined effort to journey to Mars. Now as a 60 year old Congressional candidate, I still believe my vision of Space research funding along with private enterprise partnership is critical for our national security and societal benefit.

Andy Ruff (D): After years of relatively flat federal funding for scientific research, there is widespread need in all areas of research. The top priority is not a particular area of research, but reaffirmation of the value of evidence-based decision-making in the federal, and all levels of government. The era of pseudo- science, ‘alternative facts’, and ignorant dismissal of expertise has to end. Congress needs to proclaim that the ‘war on science’ is over, and back this proclamation with significant increases in funding for all federal scientific grant programs, as well as rebuilding the scientific expertise within the federal government, which the current administration has sought to dismantle.

Tonya Millis (L): Catastrophic Contageons (Research & Cures).

John Tilford (I):

  • Reduction of the rate of increase of global warming & moderation of extreme weather effects.

  • Medical research regarding viral pandemics.

  • Reduction of human damage to environment.

  • Equitable distribution and preserve quality of water.

  • Equitable distribution and increase quality of food.

  • Jim Webb space telescope.

  • Alternative propulsion systems for space missions.

Trey Hollingsworth (R): [declined invitation to take part]


(2) Crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing crisis of climate change can only be mitigated by relying on the best available scientific data and expertise. How do you envision your future role in ensuring that the government rely on science in preparing for and mitigating such crises?

D. Liam Dorris (D): We need to actually listen to our scientists and bioengineers, and not dismiss or silence them due to political or religious ideology.

The problem is that we, as a nation, dismiss scientific data and research because of the inconvenient truths that we might find along the way. Other times, during the ongoing process of scientific discovery, we find a problem that we deem as ‘too hard’ or ‘too expensive,’ or a problem that would require a substantial amount of time, effort and money to correct. We often even dismiss major problems our scientists warn us about as not being serious until it is too late and in our faces.

We cannot let these things be barriers to progress. We need to recognize that inaction and complacency usually leads to negative impacts that are more costly in terms of effort, and/or money and to our people.

I envision my role as elevating awareness and working to break political and religious barriers that stand between the people of this nation and science. I would work to raise the importance of unbiased scientific data and elevate public perception of the need for such.

Brandon Hood (D): I am not a scientist. Surrounding myself with the brightest minds, and experts to analyze such crises is my highest priority in ensuring that my office has the foresight needed. The hardest part of making tough decisions is having experts that are reliable in their analysis. The tobacco industry provides a perfect example of how corporate malfeasance manipulated scientific opinion for profit. So-called "tobacco science" can lead to drastic irreparable mistakes on these and other critical issues if leaders are not mindful of properly vetting their influences.

James O’Gabhann III (D): Scientists ought to take a leadership role in questions of science ,and in return scientists should feel comfortable to discuss these issues in a language that the public may understand. K-12 curriculum has an important role to play in the development of a science vocabulary and in debates around issues. My role as a member of the House of Representatives from the NINTH would be that Indiana University is at the round table on these critical issues. For myself, I would persuade the Speaker to the best of my ability to appoint me to the House Science Committee, or the House Appropriations Committee and its Science Sub -committee.

Mark Powell (D): I would work with Congressman Bill Foster of Illinois, the only physicist in Congress to resurrect The Congressional Office of Technology Assessment. While those FTE positions were cut years ago, the need for professional nonpartisan scientific expertise is critical for the development of public policy.

Andy Ruff (D): A crisis poses both danger and opportunity. The current economic shutdown provides a rare opportunity to hit the ‘reset’ button and start funding research and development that will provide a sustainable future for the U.S. and the entire world. Globalization means that we are all in this together, and 2020 provides an opportunity for the U.S. to resume international leadership, for which we are still uniquely positioned. This is not the time to ‘bail out’ the fossil fuel industry. Once again people can see Mount Kenya from Nairobi, can see the Himalaya from New Delhi, and can see Claremont from downtown L.A. This ‘pause’ in business as usual is a once in a lifetime opportunity to save our planet, as well as ourselves.

Tonya Millis (L): Congress needs to continue with Hearings and interviews with doctors and scientists who are experts in their fields so that the ‘Public at Large’ can be informed. Education is key.

John Tilford (I):

  • Speak out. Explain. Set example(s).

  • Introduce legislation based on science. Sponsor others’ similarly based house resolutions. Vote accordingly. Too many members sponsor but do not vote for. However, I cannot replace those in Congress, and those who voted them there, who deny science and believe as Asimov described so succinctly, “Democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

  • Education is both the critical problem and the ultimate solution.

Trey Hollingsworth (R):

[declined invitation to take part]

(3) The coronavirus pandemic has revealed weaknesses in both the US system of governance and the scientific and medical systems that support public health. Which of these weaknesses can be addressed by Congressional action and what is your plan to address them?

D. Liam Dorris (D): As an anti-corruption candidate, my first answer would be to remove big money from politics and demand that our elected officials are beholden to people and not corporations and wealthy. This would be a giant leap in the right direction for the scientific and medical communities. This would remove one of the biggest weaknesses with the current system in one strike.

The best way to remove big money from politics is to propose a constitutional amendment that overturns Citizens United vs. F.E.C. (2010) and return elections to public funding. Removing the influence of big money in elections would make elected officials beholden to the people rather than to corporations or the wealthy. This would remove a significant amount of corporate influence driven by profit motives on our elected officials and drive more movement toward public research and away from private research.

Furthermore, I would support legislation to make it so that patents developed from public research are bought by the U.S. government for public use for a specific amount of time before the patents become available to private corporations.

Brandon Hood (D): Congress has the power and obligation to create an apolitical pandemic response team that cannot be disbanded. Legislators must mandate storage of PPE at strategically advantageous locations throughout the United States. The weaknesses we are seeing in the health and science services are a manifestation of the vacuum of leadership in DC.

James O’Gabhann III (D): I support a single payer health plan for the purpose of eliminating inefficiencies in our health system through delivering care during future pandemics, providing preventative health care and addressing our mental health needs and drug related illnesses at the earliest stages. The funds that we save from these inefficiencies--- in addition to other funds - may be directed toward seeding future research that is NOT profit or political driven but rather science and factual driven on behalf of the public good.

Mark Powell (D): First, we need to assess the time line to temporarily nationalize the health system in this country. From critical care hospitals to outpatient surgery centers medicine has become for profit money makers that infects the systemic distribution of compassionate care. Therefore I will advocate after this temporary status that all health centers, be part of nonprofit corporations where percentages of administration are monitored so that CEO’s are not making millions and CNA’s are making $12 per hour, livable wages paid to staff will decrease turnover and provide motivation for continued compassionate care. There would be two metrics of positive management in hospitals and other health care centers, I would envision: patient/family feedback and staff satisfaction. Second, we need to make sure medical coverage in these new nonprofits are staffed with people who enjoy healing their patients and not having to worry about school loans. I would work with the GOP members to craft a bipartisan bill that would eliminate their career preparation debt for their service to the American Health System. Third, I would make sure that health centers in urban and rural areas were given additional funding to provide incentives to personnel to serve in these areas where shortages are now growing.

As chief of staff to the Health Policy Chair in the Michigan House of Representatives from 2001- 2003, these staffing issues were always brought up for discussion. Fourth, we have seen through the living out of this pandemic that viruses do not respect national borders, therefore, I would advocate as we implement our nonprofit model for all health care centers in our borders, we work with our Canadian and Mexican neighbors to see where cooperation and sharing of resources can eliminate duplication and streamline manufacturing and supply chain effectiveness in North America.

Andy Ruff (D): The weakness is in the current administration, not democracy as a system of government. The pandemic highlights the importance of informed, participatory democracy, and I predict that voter participation in 2020 will significantly exceed the 2018 surge. The low mortality rates in Germany, Finland, and elsewhere with comprehensive healthcare systems demonstrate conclusively to value of prevention versus cure. It is time for the U.S. to adopt a national healthcare (not health insurance) program, and whether this is a staged approach with annual decreases in the minimum age requirement for Medicare, or a more accelerated transition, depends on the pace with which American society can adapt to the new global realities.

John Tilford (I):

  • Intelligently targeted and sufficient federal funding for research.

  • Encourage citizens’ buy in and personal support through speaking engagements in the 9th District and via social media.

  • Require states’ appropriate share of medical funding and health care staffing expenses to be met, or progress made toward being met, as prerequisite for federal assistance – the amount of each state’s share/progress to be determined by one federal board in consideration of their individual situations. Yes, I hate boards too, but so often the states most in need are the ones whose people vote against their own interests, e.g., for representatives who resist humanitarian provisions of health care such as the Affordable Care Act.

But the bottom line in more ways than one: push to establish a National Health Service similar to those of the UK, Canada, and other enlightened, practical, and less radicalized nations. ‘Wish I had space to describe my son’s experience in London and a Scottish conversation my wife and I overheard near Glasgow. The former punch line: “Oh, that’s right. You’re an American and don’t know what health care is. Get your sick ass to the office on the corner.” The latter: “Your son is waiting too long for a free liver transplant? Go ahead and pay for private health care.”

Tonya Millis (L): The coronavirus revealed the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) was unprepared for a crisis it was designed to handle. The CDC is an extremely large beaurocracy that is over-funded and outdated. After the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) took over and managed responsibilites that should have been under the CDC’s purview. I am recommending shutting down the CDC and streamlining their procedures & responsibilities into FEMA. That would save the taxpayers billions of dollars as well as to better serve the welfare of our citizens.

Trey Hollingsworth (R): [declined invitation to take part]


(4) What do you see as the most effective ways to improve government leadership in combating climate change? As a Congressional representative, what will you do bring the federal government, state government, and the private sector together in addressing the challenge of climate change?

D. Liam Dorris (D): The first step is to recognize that there is a problem with how we govern, and that we are facing an existential threat largely due to our own historical ignorance. Exxon-Mobil, for instance, has known of the threat of climate change since at least the 1960s, but because they are beholden to their own profit motive, they worked to suppress that scientific knowledge for far too long. There should be no doubt that this exacerbated the problem we face today when much smaller adjustments in the past would have made the problem more manageable and reduced the severity of the consequences we are now up against. This same company, Exxon Mobil, spent just under $10 million lobbying the government in 2019 alone. This is a major problem with how we govern, right now, and we need to confront it head-on.

I would push for a return to a progressive marginal tax rate of 80% and provide a 100% tax write- off of money spent in research and development. Additionally, the laws governing this should be written by a panel of scientists, elected officials, and major corporations that govern how that is defined and where focus should be placed so that all perspectives have a fair say. I would then challenge and encourage the private sector to do what it does best: compete. With a strong incentive from the government, the private sector strengths can shine through and make sure this is a multifaceted response, rather than leaving everything to either the private sector or the government alone.

It is not my intent to punish for-profit corporations, but to give them a reasonable standard then respond to their good actions of contributing to the betterment of humanity with rewards like tax breaks.

Brandon Hood (D): The best way to lead effectively on climate change is by establishing universal standards for clean energy. Many alternative energy sources are billed as renewable, though they rely heavily on fossil fuels and mined minerals. The lasting effect on the environment from these practices should be widely known. Greenwashing is a common practice to mask the harmful effects of producing biomass, biofuel, electric cars, solar and wind energy. We have to confront the truth and clearly define a sustainable path forward to change our addiction to these deadly ways of being.

James O’Gabhann III (D): I do not think that any one stated it better than Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington and a Candidate in the Democratic Primary on climate change. ( For reference, the statement was worked on by Sam Ricketts and Bracken Hendricks and is sometimes referred to as the gold standard for an environmental policy proposal.) The three sectors addressed were power generation,transportation, and buildings ----which is responsible for nearly 70 percent of carbon emissions in the United States--- and what must be done to clean them up. However he did not stop there and offered an international component by using the tools of foreign policy that would include: trade ,aid ,robust diplomacy. I have proposed to use the seventeen UN Sustainable Goals as a benchmark as my Rural Green New Deal for the NINTH Congressional District which follows the Green New Deal but with a rural focus . Essentially, the Rural New Deal would transform local economies into carbon neutral environments with the accompanied challenging jobs in research and application. In the health field, it would be similar to what is happening in Kokomo where a GM factory is converted to address the pandemic. Although, we will need more success stories and an infrastructure following the pandemic---- if we expect to address climate change in an aggressive manner that it demands.

Mark Powell (D): On my website (pastorpowellforcongress.webs.com) I lay out my platform on these matters: Global warming is real, and we are seeing more and more effects of it every year. The only debate on what we will do to act responsibly. Logic commands us to take care of the earth and all creation. You and I are responsible for this crisis and in so many ways we have failed. I support government action and personal action to care for our planet and to protect and treat animals humanely and respectfully. I believe and will support...

1. Immediate Action to create the United States Department of the Environment!!!
2. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions sensibly.
3. Protecting our forests, national parks and arctic regions worldwide by investing in environmentally compassionate technology and jobs

Andy Ruff (D): Congress simply needs to end corporate welfare for industries that exacerbate climate change, and provide tax incentives for sustainable existence. Many international corporations already understand that their future depends on this fundamental transformation. We need to put people back to work, but instead of trying to prop up a doomed system, Congress needs to use this opportunity to build a sustainable future. The youth of the world understand that it is their future that is a stake, and the reign of the greedy 1% has revealed itself for what it really is.

John Tilford (I):

  • Similar to the answers for number (3) and substitute “combating climate change”.

  • I use the following “thought experiment” regarding extreme weather events in discussions: We

    are riding in a weather race car powered by heat. The worn path it follows day by day and month by month is banked on the hot and cool sides – pulling the car toward the historical mean, generally higher in summer and cooler in winter. Now we have more heat powering the car. We can, and do, now exceed the ability of the banks to confine our usual path and we have more and more extreme weather; we can, and do, jump the banks in unpredictable ways.

  • Return to the higher automotive gasoline mileage requirements of the Obama administration, the same standards supported by the automotive manufacturers and maintained by California in spite of the Trump administration’s reductions. Less gasoline used, less carbon emissions.

  • Likewise, restore the limitations of Mercury emissions from coal-fired electrical power generation.

  • Further: do not subsidize fossil fuel sources for power in any way. Water, wind, solar, and now tide power sources are financially competitive and emit no carbon dioxide whatsoever. Indiana’s legal measures against solar power in private homes (reduction in fees paid by grid energy companies to private residents during solar surplus hours and reductions in state income tax credits) and supports for coal power are embarrassing and ultimately counter-productive. Coal is dying, solar will win. Do not try to hold up a falling elephant. Better, get ahead of the wave of the future – train citizens for solar and wind jobs.

  • Educate all three: federal, state, and private sector. None are so blind as those who will not see. All can win if they choose to do so. They need to be shown and convinced.

Tonya Millis (L): From my perspective, the majority of people want clean air. They want a safe & clean society for their families going well into the future. Congress should continue to inform and make recommendations for healthy living in general while not infringing on the personal freedoms of each individual. There is a balance here.

Trey Hollingsworth (R): [declined invitation to take part]


(5) Public health research demonstrates that access to healthcare is one of the primary barriers to healthy outcomes for American citizens. Given the ongoing loss of work-related insurance for millions of Americans, how would you address this emerging public health challenge?

D. Liam Dorris (D): There is no freedom of choice in employer-based healthcare. Healthcare is a human right.

The health of all citizens should be considered, and as we are seeing during this crisis, not having a universal healthcare system has put the lives of all at risk, many have died, and many more will die. Insurance companies make profits off denying care to people who are insured, and that is inhumane to say the least. A focus must be on people over profits.

I support Medicare for All.

The Affordable Care Act was certainly a step in the right direction, but clearly isn’t working as well as a universal healthcare system. Passing Medicare for All would effectively replace the Affordable Care Act by making it obsolete.

We have the system in place to do it, and we would have to vastly expand it’s infrastructure by taking existing insurance companies and their personnel and retooling them for the M4A system.

It should also be noted that most businesses, both small and large, will benefit from this; they no longer will have to negotiate with insurance companies to provide health benefits to compete for working class talent. The process of negotiating for healthcare is an unnecessary step that companies would be relieved of upon the passing of Medicare for All.

It’s what’s good and right for both the people and business.

Brandon Hood (D): Healthcare must be guaranteed free at point of sale for all. Healthcare is a basic human need that all must have met. Access to decent housing is an unconventional example of basic preventative medicine. Guaranteed healthcare and housing are parts of my platform advocating for a Universal Basic Standard of Living for all Americans.

James O’Gabhann III (D): I covered this question in point number #4 by creating a single payer health plan. Single payer makes more people financially better off because it controls the over inflated costs that we now pay for them through employee and out of pocket expenses. Further, providing health care by small business is an enormous burden and is a threat to being competitive in the international market. Businesses should compete on the basis of the working opportunity and pay ; and employees should be free to start their own business without leaving their own healthcare plan behind. Simply put market principles do not hold true to health care due to the fact of over inflated costs. We must have a system where we may go in default mode and necessary protocols in the next pandemic and/or climate change crisis. Lives cannot be lost due to a fractured delivery care system. Healthcare does not adhere to market principles and cannot be placed within that context. The COVID 19 Pandemic has shown that our health system is on a life support system that is not sustainable.

Mark Powell (D): I cover this matter broadly in Question 3 from the stand point of the temporary nationalization and evolution toward a nonprofit health care model. That begins the discussion of how to addresses health services will be rendered. The second issue is payment of services. This Pandemic has shown the wisdom of universal health coverage where all people have access to compassionate care without worry of cost. With the advent of a new American nonprofit health care system and Congressional Health Insurance access for Middle Class ($120,000 and below) the access and cost sharing for individuals in the Middle Class and poverty level will be in place to provide for secure financing for services.

Andy Ruff (D): It is simple. The era of employer-based health insurance is over. Removing the insurance industry from healthcare is already being achieved by record unemployment, which makes the transition to healthcare access for all Americans that much easier to achieve.

John Tilford (I):

  • Obvious: create the United States National Health Service. See earlier answers regarding this topic in number (3).

  • The early years of the Clinton administration showed how complex and ultimately assured to fail was the “try to please all parties” approach to reforming national health care. Get it done. Bite the bullet. It’s time. (Aaron in London example. Polly and John near Glasgow story.)

  • All other modern states and many second and even third tier have national health services. None have ever changed to the US model, which resembles in the worst ways the New York City subway system.

  • The savings due to elimination of multiple layers of for-profit “insurers” and health systems (sound familiar, Indiana University Health?) can be used for better quality, better outcomes.

  • Consider the recent declines in life expectancies in the United States in spite of having by far the most costly health care system on planet Earth. The US trails almost all other developed nations in other significant health metrics.

  • Our businesses are handicapped by their employee health insurance burden and find it handicapping in international competition.

Tonya Millis (L): The private sector and free markets have evolved regarding insurance and medical treatment necessary for ones life and dignity. Over recent decades, Employers have improved regarding the benefits they offer, and private insurance is now responding to the needs of individuals who are self- employed. There is need for improvements. On this issue, the federal government should stay out of the way and let ‘We the People’ lead the way in science and free market principles.

Trey Hollingsworth (R): [declined invitation to take part]


(6) Climate change, COVID-19, and nuclear arms proliferation are global problems, affecting all countries. What role should the United States play in global scientific and environmental diplomatic agreements? What role do you see yourself playing in Congress in bringing a global dimension to scientific or environmental decisions?

D. Liam Dorris (D): Our first role as a nation is to be a citizen of the world. The fact is that we have not shown leadership in the international community, and we have been resistant for a long time. Our own allies are certainly skeptical of US. The international community could use bold leadership that the United States has provided in the past, and we should rise to the challenge. But the hard truth is that we need to be able to take care of ourselves before we can be a true world leader, again.

The role I see myself playing is one of working to remove the barrier big money creates in our political system. Our nation has been hamstrung by the interests and influence of a few; the consequences of which reach to all corners of the world. In addition to fighting against the obstacles here, I would coordinate with international scientific bodies in order to make informed decisions and better shape policies

Brandon Hood (D): My role as a legislator will be in guiding the public conversation towards positions of peace and preparedness. If there is a need for developing additional international deliberative scientific bodies, I would absolutely participate in that effort by generating the political will to do so.

James O’Gabhann III (D): The United States needs to play a leadership role through collaborative relationships with the international and regional organizations throughout the world and in particular Africa, the continent with the least material resources and the most demanding health challenges. I would fully fund the United Nations and hold nations accountable on reaching the 17 UN Sustainable Goals. We will need to take a break from military escalation and nuclear proliferation --and never come back to these sparring heads---and rather use these resources to fight inequality , poverty, mitigate climate change and pesky microbes.

Mark Powell (D): The United States must lead. I would like to serve on the House Foreign Relations Committee where these issues can be acted upon. It would be my great honor to follow in the footsteps of House Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Lee Hamilton (D-IN) (1993- 1995).

Andy Ruff (D): American global leadership was a post World War II outcome of having a
large, industrial economy that was not severely damaged by the war. China has already eclipsed Japan as the world’s second largest economy, and with a quarter of the world’s population (and half the world’s population in eastern and southern Asia, it is a question of when, not if, it will become the global economic center. How the U.S. responds to the current situation will significantly determine whether we continue to be a center of technological innovation and global leadership, or like the United Kingdom, become a former world power. Military might is irrelevant to the current environmental, economic, and public health emergencies facing our country. I will be proactive in pursuing a harmonized, global strategy for building a sustainable future. If America leads the effort for saving the planet, I believe most of the world will follow.

John Tilford (I):

  • When I first started working for the Defense Intelligence Agency in 1994 and mentioned My Indiana Home – I was immediately accepted. Senator Lugar’s counter proliferation of fissile materials measures had made their work much easier and the world much safer. The United States, albeit drug into the lead role by Lugar and Nunn, did it.

  • The same approach can work again. Artic mining rights are a current example crying out for


  • What can one House Representative do? Consider Frank McCloskey and ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia. The owner/manager of a tea shop near Kelvingrove museum came out to greet us after a waitress discovered we were from Bloomington, Indiana. He was from the former Yugoslavia. “Frank McCloskey saved my life when I was twelve. The Serbs were gathering all the males in our village to kill.”

  • Consider Charlie Wilson in Afghanistan. I was the Chief, Afghanistan Cell for Admiral Jacoby, the J-2 for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, from April to October 2002.

  • I’ve self-assigned work of national significance: while a by-name requested member of the South Asia Branch, Production Directorate, Defense Intelligence Agency I heard on NPR at 0530 while driving to work terrorists had broken into the Indian Parliament on 13 December 2001 and killed several representatives. Both India and Pakistan were critical to our post-9/11 efforts. By 0430 on 14 December after working through the night I had a draft “Indian Retaliatory Options Against Pakistan, TS, N/F” ready for review. Received thank-you notices from the offices of SECSTATE (Powell) and SECDEF (Rumsfeld), among many other decision makers and commands around the world, including the military attaché in New Delhi.

Tonya Millis (L): Diplomatic engagement by our leaders along with global scientific research needs to continue and be encouraged.

Trey Hollingsworth (R): [declined invitation to take part]

(7) During the past several years, scientists at federal agencies have found their work increasingly ignored or marginalized. How can Congress better support scientists and protect the integrity of science produced at federal agencies? What specifically will you do to make science part of deliberations and decision-making in Congress?

D. Liam Dorris (D): It’s not just the scientists at a federal level; all scientists are being increasingly ignored and marginalized. Nearly all scientists agree that Climate Change is an existential threat, yet our government still is dismissive of them because it might cause the corporations and the wealthy to make less profit.

I will defer to my previous answers, removing big money from our politics. Without that, I don’t see Congress or the nation improving the situation. Again, an amended constitution removing big money from politics is the only way to solve this issue.

Recent history has shown that we are reactive instead of proactive. Events that have shaped this nation in my own lifetime were singular events, which brought us together for a short time, but have no lasting effect, and we have shown a level of desensitization to events of increasing magnitude. We must act quickly and decisively to eliminate the root cause to the major issues this nation faces.

I have and will continue to listen to, and promote, scientists and the data they produce, and will do everything within my ability to bring them to the forefront of the national conversation

Brandon Hood (D): The scientific community needs a non-partisan voice in the legislative process. Making decisions through a quasi-governmental agency, not dependent on elections, with powers to affect the regulatory process could solve this problem. Such an agency would need to be created. Ensuring that the voice of reason and science has a solid position in all legislative considerations must be of the highest order of importance.

James O’Gabhann III (D): Well.... it would really help if there were more scientists that ran for public office or became involved in organizations such as yours. I am a member of various science organizations although some of my subscriptions have slipped. Further,we need more emphasis on science education at all grade levels.

I supported Elizabeth Warren in the Primary because of her platform for the need for structural change in so many areas. One area that is needed is public finance of elections so we may attract a broader base of the public in elections. In the meantime, I will have scientists on my congressional staff or nearby for consultation in all areas of American life. I would like to work with the local science community at IU to draw upon the varied expertise that will be needed to address these sticky issues in science. I am not an expert but I value facts and expertise in knowledge and wisdom. My strength is I know what I don’t know.

Mark Powell (D): In my second answer I touched upon working with Congressman Foster in resurrecting the OTA. There are also multiple Congressional Member Organizations (CMO’s) that I would want to be part of in my first year, Public Health and STEM Education are a couple I would like to be an active member. Not only would we have the opportunity to hear from the scientists in DC at the various agencies but an institution like Indiana University would be a wonderful resource to draw from and invite faculty or graduate student research that would have an impact upon our nation. I would take every opportunity to cheerlead for IU’s faculty, students and staff. If nominated by the Democratic Party and chosen by the people of the 9 th District in November, I would like to have STEM interns working for the Office of the United States Representative. When I was chief of staff for the Associate House Speaker in Michigan, I would usually have at least 2 interns from MSU or Lansing Community College each semester. I wanted to have interns do more than just filing or answering calls. I pledge to spend time answering their questions and letting them see if there was an interest in government service.

Andy Ruff (D): The problem described above lies primarily with the Executive Branch, not Congress, except that Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have been the great enablers of the Trump Administration’s self-serving approach to governance. The 2020 election is not just about removing a sociopathic president that is a threat to the Republic itself, but also removing the sycophantic strangle- hold on Congress that has defined the past decade. America must renew its spirit of bipartisanship, in which compromise is not a bad word, and a greedy, winner-take-all approach is roundly condemned as un-American. Congress legislates, allocates funding, and provides oversight, but it is the responsibility of the Executive Branch to faithfully implement policies and procedures, and to protect our nation from clear and present danger. The current administration has failed the American people, as well as the basic tenets of the U.S. Constitution.

John Tilford (I):

  • Require removal of federal scientists to be only “for cause”. Tie to whistle blowers’ protections. Support and protect Inspector Generals.

  • Demand scientists respected in related fields be present in any congressional committee or subcommittee meetings expected to involve their specialties.

Tonya Millis (L): Congress should promote private market access to scientific breakthroughs. When it comes to the needs of our national well being, Congress should support those who have shown promise through limited grants & loans. Congress represents the people and should not marginalize scientific work and achievements.

Trey Hollingsworth (R): [declined invitation to take part]


(8) The last three years of the Trump administration have seen significant efforts to roll back the regulatory involvement of federal environmental protection laws and implementation. The federal government has argued that in many cases that this should be left to the states. What do you see as the proper role of the federal government in setting environmental policy? Should the federal government be involved in regulating greenhouse gas emissions?

D. Liam Dorris (D): The proper role of the federal government is to take charge, and we should absolutely be regulating greenhouse gas emissions, the survival of humanity depends on us doing our part.

Environmental issues, including but not limited to greenhouse gas emissions, affect all the states of this nation and the world. The reason there is a push to hand this over to the states is to enable corporations who find regulation restrictive to find or lobby for areas with less restrictions, in order to increase profit at the expense of the environment and humanity, by proxy.
We are living in a time where it is greed versus humanity.
We know the root cause. There are only two questions remaining.

  1. When will we decide to act?

  2. Will we act before it’s too late?

Brandon Hood (D): It is the federal government's job to set regulatory standards for pollution. Greenhouse gasses are the main cause of climate change and must be offset. National security forces agree that climate change is a threat to our future. No state should have the power to undermine progress on this existential threat.

James O’Gabhann III (D): I am the antithesis of the current Administration and my congressional opponent in the General Election. The role back of federal regulations is a harbinger of more to come unless we are active in 2020. This is our moment to say.......NO MORE! No more privatization of our military, our education system both at K-12 and higher education, research centers and the list goes on.......... The lack of respect for our institutions have been too long in the making. This is the time to turn toward responsible regulation with incentives and to work with the States and the world on a carbon -free environment. Any thinker will tell you that all systems need feedback loops. Regulations provide for those loops to keep a system in balance. Currently, I think most would agree that we are terribly out of balance.

Mark Powell (D): In my platform I call for creating the Department of the Environment. Because rank is important in DC, I would want the Secretary to be 7 th in line of succession after Defense and ahead of the Attorney General. I would love to see Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in that position someday soon. With that said, you could only imagine the action and energy that Department would have in setting policy, cleaning up America, making sure our public lands are not polluted and emissions would be addressed not only in DC but at the UN and in other multinational conferences.

Andy Ruff (D): We need to eliminate the influence of special interests in state and federal
government. In some cases, states are out in front of the federal government in environmental policies, but many other cases they lag far behind. A system of checks and balances requires action by both state and federal government. This is not an either/or question. Environmental problems, like public health issues, do not respect geopolitical boundaries, so yes the federal government should be involved as part of a multi-tiered effort by cities, states, and the international community to confront the problems that threaten our survival as quickly as possible. We have been aware of the greenhouse gas problem for decades, but no serious action has been taken by industrial and industrializing countries. The problem we have created will not disappear overnight, and we need decisive action now if we want our children to inherit a livable planet.

John Tilford (I):

  • See the Obama administration record, and yes.

  • See the answers to number (4) California, auto gasoline mileage, automobile manufacturers had agreed.

  • Regulations pertaining to quality of life-essentials such as air, water, and food must be federally

    established and enforced. Some states are capable and qualified to do so, many are not. All US

    citizens are entitled by the Constitution (“ . . promote the general welfare”) for these.

  • Certainly efforts to slow and ultimately stop global warming must involve the federal government – the only level empowered to enter in to international agreements. Stifling heat and extreme weather events do not respect state boundaries.

Tonya Millis (L): My answer to environmental policy and greenhouse gas is the same as my answers to questions #4 and #6. Adding; as a Congresssional Candidate, I am running against the 3 R’s (too many Rules, Regulations, and Runaway debt). Part of the role of Congress is our National Defense including the need to protect our Country from pandemics like the coronavirus. We can do this without burdening our citizens with a bloated beaurocracy. We can be both safe with our livelyhood and prudent with our money.

Trey Hollingsworth (R): [declined invitation to take part]

An interview with Gina McCarthy from the Boston Globe magazine

Former EPA head Gina McCarthy knows why climate change activists aren’t getting their message across

Now at Harvard, the Obama administration alum admits it’s been hard to watch the Trump administration take aim at the work she’s proudest of. But she hasn’t lost hope.


Mayor John Hamilton's support of CS@IU's public comment to the EPA



April 26, 2018   



For more information, please contact:

Yaël Ksander, Communications Director, ksandery@bloomington.in.gov, (812) 349-4357;  or Autumn Salamack, Assistant Director of Economic and Sustainable Development for Sustainability, salamaca@bloomington.in.gov, (812) 349-3837  


Mayor Hamilton supports IU scientists in objection to proposed repeal of environmental regulation and encourages public engagement


Bloomington, In. – As the Environmental Protection Agency proposes withdrawing the Clean Power Plan (CPP) of 2015,  Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton is registering his objection to the repeal in allegiance with a group of scientists affiliated with Indiana University.  Hamilton supports the view taken by the non-partisan organization of 850 scientists, students, and supporters of science known as Concerned Scientists @ IU (CSIU) in their letter of public comment to the EPA and encourages residents to join in the group’s objection to the proposed federal action by making their own comments on the agency’s website.  The comment period ends Thursday, April 26 at 11:59 pm.


Hamilton endorsed the scientists’ judgment that the proposed repeal of the CPP is based on an intentional misreading of the Clean Air Act of 1970, from which the CPP was enacted. The CPP implemented standards for carbon emissions that favor the adoption of renewable energy over fossil fuels.  CSIU argues that the CPP is not only consistent with the Clean Air Act, but that its elimination “is not justifiable in light of the strong scientific evidence on the contribution of fossil fuel combustion to Earth’s global climate balance.”  


“I strongly support the IU scientists in their demand that environmental policy be based on scientific evidence,” said Hamilton, “and wholeheartedly endorse their assertion that the renewable energy sector will promote health and economic growth, while protecting the planet.”


Hamilton’s stand against the proposed repeal reprises his pledge in June 2017 to remain committed to the Paris Climate Agreement notwithstanding the withdrawal from the treaty at the national level.  Hamilton was one of nearly 400 mayors across the country to have signed a statement expressing their continuing support for the accord and their dedication to environmental stewardship.


As part of that effort, the City of Bloomington is currently developing its first Sustainability Action Plan to identify strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, and transportation-related areas of focus.  The city has recently completed solar panel installations at 30 of its facilities and partnered with the Southern Indiana Renewable Energy Network (SIREN) to install solar panels at more than 100 Bloomington residences in 2017.  A joint city-university bikeshare program will increase Bloomington’s transportation alternatives by 200 bicycles when it launches in June.

The is a Comment on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Proposed Rule: Repeal of Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units

Comment on EPA’s Proposed Repeal of the Clean Power Plan

(In reference to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0355)

We are writing on behalf of Concerned Scientists @ IU, a grass-roots, non-partisan community organization consisting of over 850 members—scientists, students, and supporters of science—from the south-central Indiana region. While many of our members are faculty, students or staff at Indiana University, our organization does not officially represent the University. Concerned Scientists @ IU is dedicated to strengthening the essential role of science in public policy and evidence-based decision making. We believe that EPA’s proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) is not justifiable in light ofthe strong scientific evidence on the contribution of fossil fuel combustion to Earth’s global climatebalance. We find the proposed repeal to be based on unconvincing legal arguments, without appropriate consideration of the scientific evidence for human-induced climate change and the potential for mitigation through greenhouse gas reductions.

The EPA’s offered justification for repealing the CPP in its entirety hinges on a narrow, technical misreading of the Clean Air Act, in contradiction to past Congressional records, court decisions and theEPA’s own regulation history. It is a misreading favored by some fossil-fuel energy proponents, but which is not in the best public interest in light of clear and voluminous evidence that the emission of greenhouse gases from fossil-fuel burning is a strong contributor to ongoing climate change.1,2 The repeal proposal contests neither the Supreme Court’s decision in Massachusetts v. EPA that the CleanAir Act’s protections encompass greenhouse gas emissions, nor the EPA’s own previous science-based determination3 that these climate-destabilizing emissions endanger public health and welfare.

Rather, the repeal proposal chooses to interpret the words “best system of emission reduction” (BSER) in Section 111 of the Clean Air Act as allowing consideration for existing power plants only of “measures that can be applied to or at the source.” The proposal argues that the CPP “established performancestandards for coal-fired plants assuming a uniform emissions rate well below that which could be met by existing units through any retrofit technology of reasonable cost available at the time” (emphasis added). This narrow interpretation conflicts with the explicit Congressional rejection of terms more restrictive than the quite general “best system of emission reduction.” Furthermore, the CongressionalConference Committee that agreed on 1977 Amendments to the Clean Air Act clarified explicitly “thatstandards adopted for existing sources under section 111(d) of the act are to be based on availablemeans of emission control (not necessarily technological).”

“Available means of emission control” for power plants and greenhouse gases can be gleaned from the actions being pursued by the many States that are currently on track to meet or exceed the CPP standards by 2030. Those means include: technological efficiency improvements at fossil-fuel fired power plants; increasing the use of energy generation involving reduced carbon emissions (e.g., based on natural gas) or zero carbon emissions (renewable energy sources); and/or investing in efficiency improvements on the demand side, rather than at the source. All of these approaches address the same goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fossil-fuel burning plants and should be considered as part of a meaningful BSER. The EPA cannot meet its Clean Air Act statutory responsibility to offer a“best system” if its hands are tied by an unreasonably narrow interpretation that ignores most actions that a majority of States are already undertaking to meet the emission reduction standard in cost- effective ways.

The courts have also weighed in to favor a broad interpretation of the statute. In the D.C. Circuit Court 1981 decision in Sierra Club v. Costle, the opinion allowed EPA to weigh “cost, energy and environmental impacts in the broadest sense at the national and regional levels and over time, as opposed to simply atthe plant level in the immediate present.” That decision furthermore noted that EPA’s choice of BSERshould encourage the development of systems that achieve greater emission reductions at lower costs and deliver energy and non-air-related health and environmental benefits.

The CPP repeal proposal states that: “Notwithstanding the CPP, all of the EPA’s other CAA section 111regulations are based on a BSER consisting of technological or operational measures that can be applied to or at a single source.” That statement appears to explicitly ignore the EPA’s 1995 section 111(d)emission guidelines for existing municipal waste combustors, which allowed states to establish averaging and trading programs to meet standards for nitrogen oxide emissions. The same sort of averaging over multiple installations, sources, approaches and even regions provides States with the flexibility to meet the CPP standard in cost-effective ways. The repeal proposal’s narrow interpretationof BSERs would remove that flexibility from the States, and hence, would not allow definition of a meaningful BSER for greenhouse gas emission reductions.

The CPP’s three “building blocks” define a best system for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, precisely by allowing States to engage in the same sort of emission averaging that previous EPA regulations have promoted. As required by the Clean Air Act, the CPP identifies emission reductions achievable with the published BSER, but allows States the flexibility to come up with their own plan to meet that reduction standard. According to a 2017 analysis by the Rhodium Group research firm, that flexibility, combined with market forces, have 25 States currently on track to exceed the CPP standard, with an additional 10 States likely to come at least close to meeting the standard by the 2030 deadline.

A 2016 analysis by PJM, the country’s largest power grid operator, supplying electricity to 13 States plusthe District of Columbia, examines seven different “pathways” to assure CPP compliance. The PJManalysis concludes that all of the considered pathways would allow States to ensure electricity supplies meeting demand at wholesale costs that rise only between 1.1 and 3.3 percent, depending on whether the States choose to meet the CPP targets individually or in regional cooperation with other States. The available scientific and economic analyses3,4 indicate that the long-term national benefits of greenhouse gas reductions would far outweigh those modest cost increases.

The availability of such analyses, together with the success a majority of States have already had in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, casts serious doubt on the warnings issued by “regulated entities and other stakeholders ... that the CPP threatened to impose massive costs on the power sector and consumers.” We disagree strongly with the EPA review that “raised substantial concerns that the CPP isnot consistent with the policy articulated in Section 1 of the Executive Order” 13783. That order requires that efforts “to promote clean and safe development of our Nation’s vast energy resources” should avoid “regulatory burdens that unnecessarily encumber energy production, constrain economicgrowth, and prevent job creation.” There is no evidence that the CPP, as written, would impose such unnecessary burdens. Rather, the narrow misreading of section 111 now promoted by EPA would go out of its way to enhance the burdens, precisely to make them inconsistent with EO 13783, in opposition to the public interest.

It is normal for regulated businesses to strongly overestimate the costs of meeting regulations and to underestimate the benefits. Job growth in the coal industry is certainly endangered, but far more by the low price of natural gas than by the CPP. There are currently far more jobs and much faster job growth nationally in the renewable energy sector than in fossil fuel-based energy production. The CPP wouldenhance net job growth by encouraging the lagging States to promote renewable energy more aggressively. Economic analyses5,6 have found that environmental regulations that may increase compliance costs in the short term often lead to technological innovation (as measured, for example, by patents on new environmental technologies) and economic growth over a longer term. In contrast, repeal of the CPP may slightly reduce the immediate rate of job loss in the coal industry, but is likely to suppress net job creation in the energy generation industry more generally, allowing other countries toreap the lion’s share of the economic benefits from the blossoming renewable energy sector.

In conclusion, we believe that the proposed repeal of the CPP would further erode U.S. leadership in combating global climate change, would likely lead to net job loss in the energy generation industry, and would conflict with regulatory traditions supported by the Congress, the courts and the EPA’s own pasthistory. Such repeal is not in the public interest and we strongly oppose EPA’s proposed repeal of theCPP.


1. USGCRP, 2017: Climate Science Special Report: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume I [D.J. Wuebbles, D.W. Fahey, K.A. Hibbard, D.J. Dokken, B.C. Stewart, and T.K. Maycock (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, 470 pp, doi: 10.7930/J0J964J6 (available athttps://science2017.globalchange.gov/).

2. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2013. Climate change 2013: The physical science basis. Working Group I contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg1.

3. EPA 2017 Summary of Climate Change Impacts, https://19january2017snapshot.epa.gov/climate- impacts_.html .

4. M. Ruth, D. Coelho, and D. Karetnikov, “The U.S. Economic Impacts of Climate Change and the Costs of Inaction,” Review and Assessment by the Center for Integrative Environmental Research (CIER) at the University of Maryland, 2007, http://www.cier.umd.edu/climateadaptation and references therein.

5. A. Jaffe and K. Palmer. “Environmental Regulation and Innovation: A Panel Data Study,” Review of Economics and Statistics 1997, 610-9.

6. P. Lanoie, M. Patry, and R. Lajeunesse, “Environmental Regulation and Productivity: Testing the Porter Hypothesis,” Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2008, 30, 121-8.


Dan Canon, Candidate for the 9th Congressional District, responds to our questions about science and policy.

You can find Dan Canon's answers to our Questions for Candidates’ Forum on Science and Policy below, in italicized text.

1) If you are elected, on what House Committees would you seek to serve, and why?

The real answer is the Judiciary Committee because of my background and the work that I’ve done in the federal court system. Also the Ethics Committee because that’s currently chaired by Susan Brooks, so you know they need some help there.

But I would also aim to serve on two committees that are germane to the topic at hand: House Science, Space, and Technology OR Committee on Natural Resources, and House Appropriations. Either of the first two committees would provide me with the opportunity to oversee the direction and vision of federal agencies engaged in scientific work. These are the committees that have a direct impact on our policies that affect how we approach climate change and new energy alternatives.

The latter would allow me to put the money in the right places to ensure that we’re investing in the long term scientific future of this country. Science policy must have direction and vision, and there must be money to back that up. A classic example of this is NASA in the 1960s vs. NASA today - in the 60s there was a clear purpose to the agency: develop human space travel and land on the moon. Today NASA’s vision is vague, and because of it, their projects are somewhat scattered.

2) Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said: “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” Too often, however, members of Congress appear to impede healthy policy debates by insisting on competing facts dictated by each party, sometimes in opposition to relevant scientific evidence. What role would you see yourself playing to re-establish a mechanism or a protocol for basing policy debates on scientific evidence rather than ideology? Would you support linking climate change-related congressional policy to existing evidence identified by NASAor the IPCC?

Generally speaking, I’m not sure that it’s helpful to frame this discussion as a dichotomy between science and ideology. In my view, it's not that science should replace ideology, but rather science should be a factor in the framework of one's ideology. We have to live by a philosophy that helps us define the goals and future that we want. Decisions are part of that. Having a rational process for evaluating the variables and impact of those decisions is an important part of policy debate.

That said, there are two ways to answer the first part of this question. First, in terms of messaging, policy is shaped by the political climate in which it is written, and in the short run, this is not a good political climate for facts (as the question suggests). But for now, there are ways to frame policy debates to be more apolitical. For example, during the Obama Presidency climate change was identified as a grave risk to national security (for a lot of reasons, but it already has and will end up causing significant instability due to food scarcity, inhospitable territory, and so on). “National security risks” are generally much less partisan than “climate change.” And so one way that any congressperson can help to base policy debates on scientific evidence is to shape the argument in non-partisan terms that are pretty much universally agreed upon---like national security. Citizens Climate Lobby is doing a lot of good work on this front, and we should follow their lead, though I do not see this sort of “backing into” policy solutions as a particularly good long-term strategy.

Second (and this is a more long-term approach), we need to lessen the the influence of corporate lobbyists, and including respected members of the scientific community in the discussion would be a good start. Scientists and civil servants, who are respected/accountable to their peers and neighbors, need to have a visible seat at the table when writing policy. It is important that elected officials clearly demonstrate that those opinions are being relied upon, and where they come from, rather than maintaining the facade that all of these answers are just being generated by one elected official. Having respected, reliable members of the scientific community with a visible and close-to-direct role in policymaking is an important step to restoring the public’s faith in real evidence-based policies overall, and in ensuring the scientific and academic communities that elected representatives will act responsibly.

As to the second question: the answer here should, of course, be a resounding yes. Federal agencies like NASA, and international organizations like the IPCC exist to inform both lawmakers and the public. When the experts are repeatedly saying, “this a problem, please listen to us” lawmakers have an obligation to pay attention. A Congress that is almost entirely made up of non-scientists mustheed the advice of agencies and expert organizations when it comes to climate change---or any other policy, and we should actively try to foster a culture that encourages same.

3) What do you view as the appropriate role of the federal government, and of the House of Representatives specifically, in addressing climate change? How should Congress support national participation in the Paris Accord? Given the current political situation, how do you judge scientific research to be most effectively incorporated into the policy debates on climate change?

The federal government has two obligations when it comes to climate change: to set the general vision of the country going forward in this new era of changing climate, and to help influence foreign powers to do the same.

On the first point, the House has an obligation to be forward thinking when it comes to climate change because of their budget, and because of its oversight role with respect to federal agencies. In short: we’ve got to make sure the EPA and other executive branch agencies are actually doing the work they are supposed to be doing, and doing it in a meaningful way. In

addition, climate change will be the economy of the future; that is, if we are focused on growing the economy and providing jobs, we are going to need to act now to keep up with tomorrow’s technology. Other countries will move on with or without the U.S., and rather than protecting old, dying industries, the government is going to have the responsibility of ensuring that the jobs and businesses of tomorrow can thrive in our country. This touches on the previous question too; everyone cares about jobs and the economy writ large, regardless of party or ideology.

As to the second obligation, specific policies for the U.S. might be things like setting emissions standards, carbon capture programs, etc., to be instituted by a certain date, as an example and a message to other world leaders. Policies on the global stage are things like the Paris Accord - international agreements that, while perhaps making little progress in the short run, help push nations to confront the issue. Such agreements give us the platform for working with other nations on the development of global policies to advance more energy efficient technologies and improvement of air quality.

4) The Trump Administration is systematically reducing the role of scientific input to Executive Branch actions. One recent example, among many, is Scott Pruitt’s directive that any scientist who receives EPA funding is automatically too conflicted to serve on EPA Advisory Boards. What oversight role do you think the House of Representatives should play in ensuring that policy recommendations from the Executive Branch have sound scientific foundations?

The executive branch’s actions are not isolated to the executive branch. Federal agencies are overseen by congress, and laws are written by Congress. But Congress has repeatedly failed to use its power to rein in the President when it comes to scientific policy. Policy recommendations from the executive branch without sound science should provoke a vocal and sustained response from Congress. We don’t see that from this Congress, and certainly not from our current representative.

In addition, we need to have a real discussion over how much unchecked power the executive branch should get to appoint anyone, no matter how unqualified, to head up essential agencies. We can play a significant role as public figures in ensuring that people are better informed about these appointments, and that they respond accordingly by putting the appropriate pressure on the elected officials responsible for those appointments. If we had the same outcry over executive branch and judicial nominees that we did for the repeal of the ACA, we might see the quality of those nominees improve (albeit slightly). Scott Pruitt is a confirmed appointee, and that Congress must wield its considerable authority to ensure that agencies are provided with only the best appointees. Though this particular issue is the purview of the Senate, the point still stands that any effort on behalf of the executive branch to reduce the role of scientific input is done with a complicit Congress.

5) What are your thoughts on how best to balance the need for government regulations that provide long-term protection for human health, the environment or national security, against the shorter-term costs to industry? How would you convince skeptical constituents that you’re favoring the right balance?

There is a need for balance when it comes to government regulations, of course. But the fact is that majority of government regulations are necessary, popular, and not much of an impediment to business. Government regulations like the equal opportunity act and the clean air & water acts have been invaluable to American society, and businesses have adapted to do just fine in their wake. And any industry that has only a short-term, unsustainable growth model is simply not going to succeed in the 21st century and shouldn't be coddled, especially when health and welfare is at stake.

Skeptical constituents need to be convinced by stressing that sensible regulation will benefit them personally and their communities, rather than multi-billion dollar corporations. We can further these goals with a robust constituency services program here on the ground in IN-09 that emphasizes outreach, education, and transparency about what we are doing and why.

To that point, we should adopt a messaging strategy that: 1) accepts the fact that industries are going to die because of automation and/or other factors; 2) urges compassionate action for workers who have been displaced, in the form of forward-thinking policy solutions like universal basic income, a guaranteed jobs program, and other sustainable alternatives; 3) resists the unnecessary politicizing of job losses.

6) Steven Chu, when he was Secretary of Energy, stated that the U.S. National Labs had replaced institutions such as Bell Labs, which very few corporations could now afford to fund, as the critical incubators of long-term R&D on innovative technologies. What do you see as the proper roles of the federal government and the private sector in advancing scientific research and development, and maintaining a competitive U.S. edge over countries such as China? Do you consider current levels of federal R&D investment in FY2018 funding bills under consideration, or in the President’s proposed FY2019 budget, to be about right, too small, or too large?

The role of the federal government must be to ensure that basic research---the cornerstone of American scientific preeminence---remains fully funded, even when it provides no clear, short-term financial incentive. The U.S. government can also continue to effectively be a partner to private start-up institutions. Funding though organizations such as SBIR and STTR provides technological advances and should be increased/protected. Unfortunately our government has forgotten this; in 2007 the Senate commissioned a report by the National Academies which recommended doubling the federal budget for long-term basic research by 2014. That, of course, did not happen.

If America wants to maintain a competitive edge in the coming years we must be prepared to invest heavily in basic research - far beyond the proposed budgets for 2018-19. While China is increasing their investment in R&D and basic research dramatically, US spending has stagnated since 2005. Science will be done where there is money to do it, and our government’s goal should be to make the US the most favorable place for scientists to go. If history has shown us anything about science, it’s that it will get done in whatever country provides the opportunity. For example, the cancellation of the Superconducting Super Collider in 1993 allowed Europe to sweep up the field of particle physics. If we want to avoid similar consequences in other fields we better be prepared to spend whatever it costs.

On top of that, we want to send a message to the world that scientists are welcome, and that science will always have a home in the United States. To that point, the elephant in the room is that the racist and xenophobic rhetoric of the current administration, no less than a regressive anti-science sentiment overall, is driving foreign students away. These losses will have dire consequences for the future of STEM careers in the United States.

7) How would you plan to keep abreast of the scientific and technical issues underlying policy debates you face in Congress? Do you have specific legislative priorities concerning issues with a strong dependence on science or technology, or with a significant environmental impact in southern Indiana? Do you have science advisors on your team presently, or have you thought about whom you might tap for that role if you win the nomination?

The Ninth District, with all of its professors, scientists and graduate students, is a fantastic resource for scientific consultation and advice and I intend to leverage it both during this campaign and when elected. I should acknowledge the following volunteers who helped me answer these questions:

Emma Clor, scientist from Franklin
Adam Reuter, scientist from Seymour
Jack Jenkins, PhD student in Physics at IU Bloomington
Josh Barnathan, PhD student in Physics/Biophysics at IU Bloomington
Jackie Trotier, intern and grad student at IUB who is devoted exclusively to public health issues and messaging

I intend to establish a scientific committee to assist me on matters of policy once in office, the members of which could consult in person or via video at regular intervals. This would have a dual benefit of providing me with scientific advice and giving members of the community hands-on experience with science policy.

As to the priorities for this District specifically, first and foremost, as discussed above, we need to make sure the EPA is doing its job. Examples of how this affects IN-09 abound, but one salient issue is that of coal ash ponds leaching harmful chemicals into groundwater in Morgan

and Floyd counties. A rollback of an Obama-era EPA rule has made it much easier for the companies responsible for such hazards to do nothing.

Former EPA administrators speak at IU

By Anne Hedin

Two major champions of the environmental movement visited IU Bloomington in January: Gina McCarthy, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under President Obama, and Janet McCabe, her colleague and EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, one of the lead architects of the Clean Power Plan.


If you missed Gina McCarthy's feisty speech on January 18, there is a video recording online, thanks to the Environmental Resilience Institute. The ERI and the Concerned Scientists @ IU co-sponsored both McCarthy’s and McCabe’s appearances. McCabe is now IU’s Assistant Director for Policy and Implementation at the ERI and Professor of Practice at the McKinney School of Law, IUPUI.

In her talk on January 25, McCabe spoke of the greatest threats facing the EPA and shared her view of where the Concerned Scientists group could have the greatest impact. Approximately 50 top-level people at the EPA (and other agencies) serve at the pleasure of the president and come and go with the administration, she said, but the civil servants and scientists remaining serve the mission of the agency. What is happening to them is a cause of great concern to her.


The EPA budget office has been cut 50%, to the detriment of funding for science.  Morale is down and retirements – even from senior career positions – have increased. After one year in office, President Trump does not have a Science Advisor. The staff that carries on in the absence of a Science Advisor numbers 40 people. By contrast, Obama had a staff of 130 people in that office. EPA research used to be the gold standard in the courts and with policy makers. McCabe is worried that personnel losses and funding cuts will erode the credibility of EPA research. And what will happen to grad students and young scientists when grants go away?


McCabe’s advice to the scientists in the audience was to provide comments on proposed environmental rules, especially in areas such as clean fuel standards that the Trump administration has targeted. By law, the EPA has to respond to technical comments, to give reasons for accepting or rejecting them, and to cite evidence. Job impacts belong in the comments as well. By engaging in this fashion, scientists outside the agency can help ensure that proposed rules get the necessary level of scrutiny, thereby carrying some of the load for scientists inside the agency.


At the state level, for example, Indiana is scheduled to get $41 million from the Volkswagen emissions settlement, which is to be spent on mitigating damage due to burning diesel. McCabe urged the audience to look at a draft rule on the matter that IDEM (Indiana Dept. of Environmental Management) has just posted for public comment. 


The role of scientist as citizen is more important than ever. McCabe recommended going to hearings and legislative meetings, writing op-eds and letters to the editor. Multiply your impact by volunteering to help the Hoosier Environmental Council analyze data and formulate talking points. Leverage resources such as the Environmental Protection Network (EPN.org) which focuses on budget documents and Denver-based Save EPA Alums (http://saveepaalums.info/Colorado+Impacts) which offers advice on rule-making and procedurals.


Last but not least: Keep doing science and keep the faith. The EPA’s  2009 Endangerment finding that greenhouse gases are pollutants has been challenged and upheld in court. So long as it remains in force, carbon dioxide has to be regulated.


Reprinted from Time to Choose Coalition newsletter, February 10, 2018


Effective Communication with Legislators Or… How to be a Lobbyist for Science


in collaboration with


Union of Concerned Scientists,

Environmental Management & Sustainable Development Association (EMSDA), and

Students for Equity in Public Affairs (SEPA)


are proud to present 


Dori Chandler

Union of Concerned Scientists

Are you a Scientist? An Advocate for Science? Proud of the work you do?  We are!  Join Concerned Scientists @ IU and Union of Concerned Scientists to let your member of Congress know that they should care too!  Learn how to plan, conduct, and follow up on an in-person meeting with your United States senators. The training will be followed by opportunities to lobby in-district, including a lobby day the following day in Indianapolis on Friday, February 23rd. 

Interested in taking part in the UCS/CSIU Lobby Day?  RSVP and Questions:

Michael Hamburger (CSIU) at hamburg@indiana.edu or Dori Chandler (UCS) at UCSIndiana@gmail.com


Thursday, February 22, 12:30 – 2:00 PM

Room S201 (Patten Room) Geology Building

The workshop is free and open to all interested participants

Lunch will be provided!